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im cool....thats all you need to know

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Fathers Love

God love is absolutly unfathomable!!!and im sure i spelt about one or two word wrong in that last sentence, but hey....i dont
have any of you ever actually stopped to marvel and meditate on how wonderful God is. and how amazing his love is.honestly, i sit here and try to find the words to explain how i feel but i cant. im mean think about it for a second. God is so amazing, that if you turn your back on him, forget about him but realize how much you need him, you can come back and he will welcome you with open questions asked...i mean...seriously thats completely amazing!!He is willing to forgive you as many times as you need....from personal experience, i messed up so much, and was so caught up in my sin that i didnt know how to get out of it. i was so afraid that God was going to give up on me, because most everyone else had. I didnt even feel like i was even enough for him to forgive. I felt like i had gone to far. But then i realized that you can never go to far away.because God is always right there next to you, even if you dont feel him....I promise you, He is there!!! God has really been revealing to me his love and compassion for me. The thought that God is crazy about me and just wants to spend time with me and love floors me..Because now the God that i once saw as the MIGHTY ALL POWERFUL being that seemed to big to touch, has become the passion in my life.The thing that wakes me up every morning. He's not out of reach, hes not too good for me. He's just there, wanting to hold me and wanting to bless me and walk through life with me...Its a really good feeling.......


Blogger Al said...

wow. That is really powerful and so incredibly true.
It is very apparent that the things you've said here have actually been lived out and experienced by you, and not just thought up or even just heard somewhere.

rock on.

did i mention I love you?
can't wait to see you!

11:54 PM  

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