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im cool....thats all you need to know

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

My Dad the Superhero

This is a blog that i wrote about my dad on myspace a while back.......

My dad is amazing!!!!!!and i think today was the first time that i actually thought to myself" my dad is really cool."they say that as you get older you start to realize has much you need your parents....and heck yes is that true!!!!and also im realizing how great my dad is.....and my mom too....but its just different with my always used to bug me when he would want to hang out with me or always want to know where i am but it doesnt really anymore.....And the more i thought about it i realized that he's just trying to protect me....he's already lost a daughter(so youre not really confused, before i was born my parents had a daughter, but she passed away before she was 2) im realizing that he just loves me so much that he doesnt ever want anything to happen....and i dont blame him...he's a really cool and talented guy.....he's good at pretty much everything...which is really used to work construction, he was in politics and now he's a fact back in the 80's he turned down a job that payed 3 times more to take the pastoring job at bible temple(which is now city bible church) .........................He's always been there for me.....he's been my encourager all my life, from playing sports to my music and playing drums and stuff....he's always complimenting and bragging to other people about me...My mom always tells me how proud my dad is of me......and of course i dont know why, cuz i dont think im anything to be proud of, but i guess ill know when i become a parent......lately ive been going through some tough stuff, and more than ever he's been here...telling me he loves me.....seriously he probably tells me that he loves me about 50 times everyday......but its only been lately that ive really noticed todays society more than ever, there have been so many broken families.....and ive taken for granted the fact that my parents are still together and the fact that they love me....they dont do anything to me but love me....and im SOOO thankful.............Ive gone through things in my life and ive pushed my parents away so many times, but they never gave up on me...........especially my dad.......and that why im thankful...................................................when i was little he would scratch my back and sing worship song to me....he would only sing a rotation of 3 songs....and i have to admit that yeh he doesnt have the greatest voice in the world, but im not complaining.....cuz he did it out of love.......still to this day when ever i hear those songs that he would sing to me, i cant help but smile because i more than i ever im starting to realize how much i love and appreciate my dad......and i think the most important thing is that im realizing how much he loves me.....


Blogger Sounds Like Natella said...

I saw your dad (the superhero) in Seattle this week, but I missed you! Oh well. We'll just wait until you're an intern and I'll see you all the time! Love you.

9:30 PM  
Blogger Al said...

Hi friend! I miss you lots. I will hopefully talk to you soon. Lovies!

4:55 PM  

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