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Location: washougal, washington, United States

im cool....thats all you need to know

Sunday, April 16, 2006

pretty much cuz i love my friends in san diego

ok yeh......
pretty much the only main reason why i started a blog is cuz pretty much freaking everybody i know in san diego has one too....yah i know I FOLLOWED THE CROWD!!!!!!
haha...but no seriously i just thought it would be a cool idea cuz they can read about what im up to and my crazy random thoughts that i write at 3 in the morning cuz i drank too much red bull before going to this is for you all in the amazing city of sd!!!!
Happy is gonna be the parents and my brother and sister are gonna come over and we're gonna eat.......but my friend jeremy is gonna deep fry our dinner......well actually just the turkey....yah i know most of the "normal" people in america are either eating ham or going to taco bell....but no....the loumans are deep frying a turkey...........
i invited some of my friends over so im hoping they can make it and partake in some of the insanity.....another thing too is that every year my mom surprises mr with some kind of easter type thing....i dont think she got me an easter basket...cuz lets face 19 years old, but she usually gets me chocolate or something......and since i havent left my room yet today, cuz i woke up like a half hour ago, my surprise might be waiting right outside my door....OH THE EXCITMENT!!!!!hah.....well anyway im hoping that you all have an AMAZING EASTER!!!!!and remember the real reason for the season!!!!well actually its not a season, its just a day, but if you think about it logically....ahh forget it....just remember why we celebrate today!!!


Blogger Sounds Like Natella said...

Happy Easter! So which blog should I be checking to read about your latest? I mean, you only have three! Hope you enjoy the deep-fry turkey. BTW, I STILL get an Easter basket from my mom---even this year now that she came to visit!

6:32 PM  

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