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Location: washougal, washington, United States

im cool....thats all you need to know

Sunday, April 16, 2006

singing country songs at the dinner table

OMG it was SOOO great it was me, my brother and sister in law, her two friends jana and katie, jessica, my friend heather, and jeremy sitting at the dinner table singing along to this country was sooo great.....i think its been the best easter of my teenage parents didnt get me an actual easter basket but they got me really cool shoes and lots of needless to say, i was happy... my friend heather came over.....and yeh we all had a really good time,....OH i have really REALLY exciting friend crystal got engaged on friday....i am soo happy for her....this girl is the most amazing person you will ever meet in your entire life!!!!shes is pretty much my sister...she calls me her yeh i guess we are sisters.....haha...
i also have some news thats got me really bummed parents are going to africa next month...and im sad for 2 reasons and scared for 1......1:im sad cuz they wont be here for pbc banquet and 2: i really want to go to africa..i have such a heart for africa.......i wanna cry.....
and im scared because thats alot of traveling and flying that theyre gonna be doing....and i get REALLY REALLY nervous when my parents, especially my dad cuz he flys alot, fly.....ever since sept dad was actually in the air flying to somewhere( cant remember where) on sept please keep them and me in your prayers.....


Blogger Sounds Like Natella said...

I spent Easter with the Roy's (Brittne & Katie) and my mom who came to visit me!In the middle of our conversation, Brittne, Katie, and their mom ended up singing songs from "West Side Story", while I sat dumbfounded in the middle of it all. Somehow singing isn't so much fun when you don't know the words to the songs!

2:12 PM  

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