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Location: washougal, washington, United States

im cool....thats all you need to know

Sunday, April 16, 2006

3 posts in one day...yeh im a nerd....

ok so i just accidentally deleted all my music on my itunes.......dang it....
but what i wanted to say was that tomorrow i started my secular music fast....God has really been challenging me with music.....Music is my life....but because its such a big deal to me God doesnt want it to be a 'bigger deal' than He is...ya know?so tomorrow im starting my fasting til the end of school..which is may 21....i know its going to be hard......
i was deleting some of the songs off of my itunes and it was sooooo hard to do....but even the fact that i was so attached to the music i was deleting really shows that i need to do this.......
and i know that at the end of all this the dependency that i had on my music is gonna be converted to dependency on God, and my relationship with him will be alot stronger....
and by the way, i dont know what happened but all my music is back on my itunes.....


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