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Thursday, July 27, 2006

Theres definately more!!!!

today i started reading revolution in world missions..Ive only read 2 chapters but i can already tell you that its amazing!!!!!So far ive read stories about missionaries and then going out to the unchurched villages and towns in asia....Ive always had a love for travel but the more i read, the more the passion i had for missions grew. One of my dreams is to travel everywhere and preach and play worships songs and songs that ive written. but the one thing that i think is different about it is that i want to go to the unchurched masses. I want to go to the smallest tribes in africa and the little villages in asia and the coldest town is antartica.and thats when it hit me.....being a christian isnt just reading youre bible and spending your alone time with the Father, thats an essential. and up until now thats what my christian walk has been about. but then i realized THERES MORE!!!!!Of course we need to rekindle the fire in christians today but we need to get the word of God to the people that have never heard it. And I want to be one of those people. If we dont get to the unreached, who will. The thing thats so crazy to me is that there are people out there who have never even heard of God. They will live for nothing and die for nothing. I cant let that happen.Our purpose as christians is to get the gospel heard. If we are just sitting around we arent doing our job. You and I need to realize that there are people so alone and so empty that are searching for more, and maybe you are the one to help them. Maybe I'm the one to help. Who knows.....


Blogger Sounds Like Natella said...

I smile everytime God reminds us about more. To be driven by a passion and desire placed by Him makes you unstoppable! I love the way He works!

Are you coming to SD with your dad this month? I'm gonna be there and you better be too!

11:34 AM  

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