Ramblings of a Beggar.

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Location: washougal, washington, United States

im cool....thats all you need to know

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Sept 11th memories

Sept 11, 2001
Half asleep woken up by my mom saying something about the tradecenter. I get up and walk down stairs trying to figure out what my mom was talking about. I look at the tv and all i see is smoke. Confused I kept watching. I saw the most horrifying footage of planes flying into buildings and then the buildings collapsing. Then all of a sudden I remember my dad, who was flying that day. I ask my mom where he was or if she had heard from him. She said that she hadnt heard from him but she was sure that he was ok because his flight was going through utah ( he was flying to guatemala or someplace international like that). So all we really could do was watch and wait. He finally called saying that he was in utah. They grounded the plane there and there were no flights going out for the next couple days. Eventually he took a bus to boise idaho where my brother picked him up.
Sept 12, 2001
I woke up thinking that things were going to be just a little bit better. But I woke up to silence. Everytime Ive woken up to silence in the past its been because of something bad. I walked to the stairs and my mom walked out of my parents bedroom. She had just gotten off the phone and i could tell that she had been crying. I didnt say anything, i just looked at her. She told me that we knew someone who died yesterday. I thought in my mind that maybe it was someone who we knew as an aquantaince or a pastor friend or something. But no. It was eric. Eric Hartono was a guy who came from Indonesia to america to go to school. We have been friends with the hartono family for a long time. Two of his sisters had live with us before he did. He lived with us when he went to highschool at City Christian and then he moved to boston to go to school. He was in LA visiting his girlfriend and he was going back to boston. He was on the 2nd plane the world trade center.
It was and still is really hard for me to deal with. He was like my brother. Death is something that we try to block out of our minds because its too hard to deal with. And i would have never imagined that one of my close friends would have died that way.
But my reassurance is that he was a believer. He had such a love for Christ, it was infectious. His parents were really wealthy but you wouldnt have realized it being around eric. He never boasted about what he had or how wealthy he was. He was so giving and generous. He left an impression on my heart thats going to be there forever.
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