Ramblings of a Beggar.

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Location: washougal, washington, United States

im cool....thats all you need to know

Monday, June 19, 2006

Pastor Donna

My life is FULL of amazing, encouraging, loving people....and i thought it would be cool to write some different blogs about them.....mostly people who have played a significant role...or just someone who, in my opinion, is pretty much really cool=).Some of them might be really short (im mean the blog.lol...or really long...like this one. so i thought i would start with Donna

Besides my mom, I have more respect and love for this woman than anyone alive. If it wasnt for her, i would either be dead or really, really, really lost and messed up. People tell me all the time how blessed i am for having a mentor like Donna. but the thing is neither of us started our friendship. I didnt say "i want her as a mentor" and she didnt say "i want to mentor her". God did. God chose donna to be a part of my life and the same for her. I'll start at the beginning.
Still to this day, i do not remember the first time i met donna. But she says that one day after church when i was like 4 or 5, i just went up and sat on her lap. See, my randomness began at an early age =)
And ya. I was in her wedding when i was 7. Always known her. There was never time when she wasnt a part of my life. I remember her telling me she was pregnant with Kalei, i remember when Kalei was born, and the fact that shes 7 (the same age i was when i was in Donna and Dougs wedding) makes me feel REALLY old....lol...
But she really didnt start helping me until i was jr high/highschool age. Shes being meeting with me ever since i started jr high. and its not just cuz shes my youth pastor. She is so much more than that. Shes my spiritual mom. And its not just cuz of her choice. Shes told me that God told her to not let go of me. and believe me, there have been MANY, many times when she could have said "ok, i cant do this anymore, i cant help you, im fed up, go find someone else to help you deal with your problems, cuz im done with you."but she never did. Not once. Of course theres been times when shes been frustrated and disappointed, but thats only natural.
And the thing is, its not just church and its not just meetings. Thats not the only time she lets me be apart of her life. I have the privilege of going over to her house, babysitting her kids, just being around her and spending time with her. and people tell me all the time how blessed i am and all of the "do you know how many girls would love to even spend 5 minutes with her?". Some of my own friends have told me how much they would love to have donna as a mentor. And i understand all of that. Believe me i do. But like i said, i didnt choose this. I didnt choose her, God did. God placed her in my life at an early age cuz he knew that i would need her throughout my entire life.
If i am even half the woman she is when i grow up, i will be a very very blessed person. Sitting in worship services that she leads or my favorite, listening to her preach at gen unleashed.. I love it soooo much. Seeing how passionate she is and how pure her praise to God is. Theres no one like her. No One. I see why so many girls want her as a mentor. Shes amazing. I respect her and would do anything for her. I trust her and have faith in her, because she trusts God.
And theres sooo much more that i could say, but i guess the only thing left that i can really express in words, is that im thankful.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Chiwawas are so amazingly awesome!!!

especially the little 4lb one sitting on my lap....hehe...shes teeny tiny, her name is gigli and she has no teeth on the left side of her mouth so her tongue sticks out of that side....shes a cutie!!!
im here in singapore with my dad...at the moment i am at the house we're staying at. My dad is at a prayer meeting and i stayed here....im still kinda getting over the time change and im not feeling 100% so im here resting.
i've only been here for about 3 days but its been a total blast!!!we went shopping yesterday and i got some cool stuff. my dad told me that the shopping would be cool but i had no idea that it would be so extravegant and that there would be so many shops...seriously there are malls everywhere!!!!its my kind place...haha... today we went to a theme park type place.its kinda hard to explain.its not like disney land or any place like that. there are no rides. but theres a luge ride and a cable car and water type attractions...so we were there for the beginning of the day. Since it gets so crazy hot here (im talking like 95ish with humidity) we went to the mall around 2ish to get some more shopping in. I found some more cool stuff.i got a really cool necklace thats like kinda chinese-ish(more ancient looking) and and cool purse.
im not really sure what we're going to be doing tomorrow but i know that theres church tomorrow night. on monday morning we are going to malaysia for a family camp which should be pretty fun. Its a really good experience being here.seeing all the different cultures and all.
and the house we're staying at has 14 dogs!!!how cool is that!!
God has been so good to me!!!!